seperti apel jenis grannysmith atau apel lokal dari malang, apel ini akan selalu terlihat hijau dan segar. terlahir untuk selalu terlihat hijau. tapi manis saat dicicip. dan melalui media tulis cyber, apel ini mencoba mengungkapkan rasa.


new episode of life. BIG one.

Long time no post. And there was a new episode in my life: The born of my first child on March, 11 2012 (seems that 11 is my lucky number). A boy who changed my life completely.  Become more whole and more colourful.  My life has been pretty happy with the one who became my husband. With all His Goodness, Allah gave me more a person who becomes the source of my happiness. Sangat merasa diberkati. :-) 

My first child is a second pregnancy. Previously I had a miscarriage at age 11 weeks. I named my fetus, Zuma. Zuma didn’t develop well, though I’d seen its heartbeat in 9 weeks. 3 months later, its brother developed in my womb. I went through everything with convenient. Alhamdulillah, I didn’t feel all those morning sickness or hated some foods. I really enjoyed the process. I called my second fetus, Utun. A common call for a fetus in Sundanese. Utun was growing bigger and stronger. He liked his mom’s womb so much even he didn’t want to come out in 40 weeks! Even induction didn’t succeed. After being induced through all night, my son had to be born through caesarean.  

And here he comes…

he's such a big boy. with 3,5 kilos weight and 51 cm height

Birra Walidayya Sassen. That's his name.

Birra Walidayya. The name my father ever uttered in the last years of his life. I took that name to remember. To know that his name was given by his late grandpa. A name derived from Arabic, Birra Walidain, meaning devoted to parents. While Sassen is the surname of his father. My child is a child of the male lineage. As a family name in the origin country, the name was properly attached to the boy. So that the family name continues to flow from generation to generation. Hope he will carry the family's honour in his life. and we as his parent will give him the best we can.

We simply call him Raya. I'd like to add his surname after it, Raya Sassen. In Indonesian Dictionary, Raya means big, great, crowd, and glory. yes, just like Raya in Indonesia Raya, Hari Raya, Jalan Raya, and Simpang Raya, one of Padangnese Resto, LOL! :-D

ra-ya besar (terbatas pemakaiannya); alam (jagat) --; badak --; hari --; jalan --; purnama --;   rimba --;
me·ra·ya·kan v memuliakan (memperingati, memestakan) hari raya (peristiwa penting): ~ Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia; ~ hari lahir;
pe·ra·ya·an n pesta (keramaian dsb) untuk merayakan suatu peristiwa 

Many friends say he looked like his father. His expression and his gestures almost resemble him. Hopefully he got the talent too. :-)

My son, my universe. My life had changed completely since then.